This cute craft is a lovely way to explore how seeds grow and it's really easy to make! We started a little vegetable patch at the beginning of lockdown, and this was the perfect activity to go with our green-fingered learning.
We love how the little seedling emerges from the soil and starts growing before your eyes!
I love playful crafts like these, I find any hands-on learning is much more engaging and my boys are more likely to want to make it.

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To make the paper plate seedlings you will need:
- Paper plate
- Brown, blue and white paint
- Glue
- Scissors
- A large pompom or cotton wool bud
- Craft knife and mat
For more crafting ideas to inspire you and your children, check out my new book

Start by painting the bottom third of your paper plate - this will be the soil that the seedling sprouts from.
When crafting with my children I find it helps to get all the materials and tools ready before starting, and I pop a tray or newspaper underneath any painting.

To create your sky colour, mix blue and white paint together until you're happy with the colour, alternatively you can use a ready-mixed sky blue. Acrylic paints give the best coverage, but you can use whatever paints you have to hand.

Paint the remaining two thirds of your paper plate blue, to make the sky.

Take your pompom or cotton bud, dip in white paint and press on the plate to make your clouds.

Whilst you wait for your plate to dry, cut out two small leaf shapes from your green card and glue them to the end of your craft stick.

This is one for the grown-ups to do - use your craft knife to cut a line where the soil meets the sky, wide enough to fit your seedling through.

Separate the soil from the sky slightly and push your seedling through the gap. Enjoy your seedling sprouting up from the soil by pushing the craft stick up and down!
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Celebrating Earth Day? Why not try our seed bombs activity
More ideas

For more playful and creative learning ideas visit: